It's been two weeks since I finished a book. I borrowed Choke from the
library after hearing the author on Rogan (don't want to look up his
name, it's the guy who wrote FIght Club). I started reading Henderson
the Rain King but wasn't making good progress. I actually started
Choke after Henderson. Choke wasn't anything particularly special. It
wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything particularly good either. I impulse
purchased a Kindle Daily Deal book called The Reading List. I thought
that might get me out of my funk, but it was terrible. It was so bad I
returned it. I had no interest in finishing it. So much for that plan.
I haven't abandoned Henderson yet, but I need to start making progress
soon of it will join the tried once but didn't finish Goodreads shelf.
I am flying home tomorrow. (Not sure if it's really home anymore, but
it's where my family lives so that's enough to make it home for me.
Maybe it's home 1 while the house down here is home 2.) I'm in the
middle seat on both flights and it will be dark so I was going to get
something from the Sci FI list from the library that I can read on my
phone. I pulled up the list to see what is available (I've italicized
the titles that I have seen in the library catalogue in the list I
keep in Google) when I saw the Drizzt books. I fished the next one out
of the boxes of books that I have yet to unpack at the house. (I would
probably have moved on to something else if I had the books out where
I could see them. All in good time.) I'm not sure how much of it I can
read on the plane tomorrow, but I should have time to read it while
I'm home. I will have stuff to do around the house and I plan on
getting in some good runs, but an easy book to read will be a good way
to spend some time too.
I should take a Dickens book. That's the most accessible reading
resolution that I have for this year. Oliver Twist is the shortest one
that I have left to read. Little Dorritt is realistic. Dombey and
Sons, not so sure about that beast. It would also be another owned
book read. I guess I'll see if I can find Little Dorritt in my book