Friday, June 21, 2024

Making the choice to finish a book tonight

The picture is actually worse than the 181 that I admitted to in my last post. I have 3 more books coming from Thriftbooks and another one on order from a different website. If I'm all about getting back to reading, what will I be reading to regain some momentum towards BSZ?

I have 4 books in some state of progress. I will finish The Metal Master, a Doc Savage book that I bought when I picked up the embossed copy of To the Sea and Beyond, tonight. I kind of feel like counting this as a finished book is cheating, it's only 130 pages, but it's a stand alone novel so it gets counted as a book. (My curiosity about Doc Savage is sated, I don't see any more of these in my future reading plans.) I'm making steady progress on Rhythm of War doing the audio/ebook combo. I'm about 50% of the way through it. It's a solid book with a fun world, rich characters, and an engaging story. I will keep making steady progress on that while I work on other reading projects at the same time. I will definitely finish those two, but I'm not so certain that I will see the other two books that I have going to the end. One is an ebook, I'm not going to read that in lieu of Rhythm of War, and the other is a book that I haven't picked up in months (I just can't get through Jeffereson's time in France). I guess that means I get to pick out something new to read after I finish The Metal Master tonight.

What I read isn't as important as long as I actually pick up the book and read it. My focus right now is choosing to do the thing I tell myself I want to do rather than just doing the easy thing. I thought I would read more these last few days that my wife has been out of town, but I've mostly just sat on the couch looking at a screen. I did manage to write a couple of blog posts (assuming I actually finish this one, which if you're reading it means that I did get to some point that I considered the end) but accomplished very little reading. I thought I would finish The Metal Master on Wednesday night after reading about 75% of it on the plane ride back from Virginia. That didn't happen. I'm too busy monitoring bets or watching YouTube videos. That tendency to do things that are easy is the habit I'm trying to break. Taking strong actions toward long standing goals has been a big challenge the last few years. I'm back sliding on BSZ, have basically had the same half-assed training for all my Disney Marathons, and have managed to lose pretty much no weight (at least I haven't really gained weight either). Yes my job is demanding and I'm pretty beat by the end of the day. That doesn't mean that I can't make better choices when I'm not at work.

Let's make a better choice now. It's getting late, and I very much want to finish this book tonight. With that in mind, time to wrap up this post and finish The Metal Master.

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