Monday, October 25, 2021

GROWing towards Book Shelf Zero

I had some largely useless training at work last week (some things
never change) that I was pretty much ready to forget the second I left
the room. The awful trainer was wrapping up the course by reviewing
GROW. The idea was to use the framework to develop a strategy for
achieving a well-defined (preferably measurable) goal. As she was
walking her victim through the approach, I decided that I would
subject my long standing reading goal to this coaching technique. I
will not belabor the details of the framework. Do a little searching
and you will likely find more than you ever wanted to know about
realizing a goal.

The Goal in this case is well-defined. Read all the books I own.
That's a big goal with a very simple solution, read more and buy less.

I want to say that simple statement obscures a more complex situation,
but that isn't Reality. Meeting my reading goals always comes down to
choosing to read rather than waste time on my phone, play video games,
or take a walk. I've explored this topic before, but deciding to read
rather than do something else is always the conflict. The fact that I
have to make a choice to read or do something else is an interesting
wrinkle. I have a set time to run (first thing in the morning), lift
(currently in the morning but that may shift back to lunch time), and
work. I leave reading to find its own place in my day. I mentally
pencil in reading time for the evening, but it's never a priority. I'm
happy to watch a football game while messing around on my phone or
something else right up until I'm ready for bed. Should I designate a
reading time?

Reading time is certainly an Option. The length of that time is one
thing to consider, but that could be decided by how much time I have
to allocate for reading. Looking at my regular weekday, I could read
after I eat dinner, after I get off the phone with T, or make it the
last thing I do before bed. I am pretty much always finished eating by
6:30. I usually talk to T at 8:30 so I could allocate some portion of
that two hours to reading. I could also read after I get off the phone
with T. That could be from 9:45 to 10:30 or so. Right before bed is
when I usually squeeze in a few pages. The big issue with right before
bed is fatigue. Drifting off while reading in bed is not uncommon. So
that leaves after dinner or after my phone call. I like to walk or do
other errands after dinner. That leaves after my call with T.

How Will I implement this plan? Well, how long will I read? At least a
half hour feels appropriate. I could always read longer, but a half
hour ensures that I get a good 20-30 pages of my current book read.
That's 100-150 pages over a week. Throw in some reading on the
weekend, and that's approaching a book a week pace. I will start
tonight. Not sure how much I will read on Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday as I'm moving out of the apartment and into our house, but I
will make my best effort. Not sure how much I will be moving that late
in the day anyway.

I will give it a week or two and report back.

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