The defined reading time is working reasonably well so far. I finished
reading Sex at Dawn tonight. I had just started the book when I
decided to define a reading time. I would still be in the middle of
the book if I hadn't defined a time to read. Picking up the book and
getting started is the hardest part of reading in the evening. Once
I'm going, it's not hard to keep going. Getting away from all the
other low energy requirement activities is the challenge. Sex at Dawn
is not a particularly challenging read so that always helps too. It
wasn't a particularly good book either. I've read enough of these
books attempting to link our drives to our ancient past that I can see
through the flimsy arguments. They all seem to start with a desired
conclusion and build an argument with scant evidence and ample
speculation. You want to prove we're all slutty, there is data for
that. You want to prove that we're all driven to be in life long pair
bonds, there are data for that. We're highly social creatures with a
tremendous aptitude for adaptation. We can become whatever we need to
become. The only way to be human is to expand to fill your niche as
fully as possible.
So another owned book (that I've been curious to read for awhile) has
been removed from the I'll get to it someday pile. I took a peek at my
Resolutions to see if there are any other goals that I could pursue
with my next reading choice. Get my to read pile under 140 is not
happening but reading something I own is in the spirit of the goal. I
set a goal to read 5 Modern Library books. I've read 2 this year (The
Heart of the Matter and Death Comes for the Archbishop) so there is
hope I could get to 3. I could read a Dickens book. I'm not seeing
Dickens in my immediate future, maybe later this month. I'm thinking
Henderson the Rain King will be my next reading effort. I also have
Ginger Man on my phone. Those are both Modern Library books. They're
also pretty short. The effort starts tomorrow. Time to go to bed.
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